Little Things You Have Time to Do – Treat Yourself!
Lie in bed for a few minutes after you wake up and plant a big smile on your face.
- Stretch, while you’re still in bed, and feel the blood circulating through your warm body.
- Sit up, lean your head back, and smile, reaching up into the universe to welcome a new day.
- Be thankful that you are alive!
- Focus on the smell of your coffee as it brews, or your bacon as it fries, while cleaning out a cabinet or a drawer and wiping it down.
- Sit down, and take 4 minutes to write, onto paper, something you are grateful for this morning as you enjoy your coffee, tea, whatever it be.
- Take one more minute to remember a time when you felt full of love.
- Be with yourself and feel how blessed you are to be alive, no matter what you have to face later on today. You’ve got this.
- When you encounter anyone today, smile at them, especially if you don’t know them, and feel the shared joy when they smile back!
- Remind yourself to smile, just smile, for the rest of the day, every time you stop to be you.
- You will find that smiling makes you happy, even if you don’t feel like smiling. DOiT now.
- You will make other people happy by giving them the chance to smile back at you.
- You will burn calories, just by smiling!
- You will feel lucky to have the chance to make something better today for yourself or someone else – starting now.
- You will make the world a happier place by being the person who took the time to smile today.
- Good will, a positive outlook, and your powerful smile will spill out into the universe to create a cheerful, hopeful vibe that spins out of control to spread warmth and love.
Have a Wonderful Day – a fabulous cliché!