When the first potato was mashed by the first Potato-Smasher, a little boy came running. He had no designs for a Potato-Smasher Challenge. No, he raised an elbow, placed his hand under his armpit, and pumped his arm to mimic the potato mashing sound. A few hundred years later, his great-great-grandson’s cousin perfected the noise, and that’s how we got the armpit fart sound.
Ok, that may not be true, but I’ve been thinking about potato-smashers since airport security confiscated mine. (See Chapter 1 of Coffee Cups & Wine Glasses.) Could it be that they didn’t like the noise? I dunno. I’m still pondering.
Speaking of Potato-Smashers…
This first one is the easiest and least creative, but let’s start simple until you get into the spirit of the DOiT Challenges over coming weeks (in our DOiT Blogs & on our DOiT Page on Facebook).
There will be an exciting Final Grand Prize for top entries – awarded July 10, 2023.
HINT: Pack your bags. #doit.
How many ways can you use a Potato-Smasher?
That’s it. Come up with the best idea – and you WIN!
DOiT: If you come up with a great idea, enter the contest HERE
Our team will select a winner on June 10, 2023.
Rules for this first Challenge are pretty simple. Share your idea until 11:59 pm on June 10, 2023 on the DOiT Page & follow the simple rules there.
Prize for DOiT Challenge # 1: A free Audio Book (Coffee Cups & Wine Glasses), a free Potato-Smasher for you to fill with encouraging, uplifting words, AND a magnificent wine glass.
The Potato-Smasher became a symbolic tool of triumph for me when I was asked to move out of my house so my husband’s Texas Trash Tramp could move in. It’s a long story. So, I wrote a book about it. Coffee Cups & Wine Glasses.
A short story inspired by the book:
I was leaving our home for the last time, and I opened a kitchen drawer. Well, I tried to, but it was stuck. My Potato-Smasher was jamming the drawer. I didn’t really care about the drawer anymore, so I jerked it open, and out popped MY Potato-Smasher. I grabbed it (it was mine) and I held it up like a trophy.
The trash tramp got my husband, my house, and my yard full of perennials. But she didn’t get my Potato-Smasher! (Who’s laughing now?) I marched out of my house for the last time holding My Potato-Smasher at eye level. It led me out the door, and 30 years of marriage were crushed.
Hey, when you’re half-crazy with sadness, some things just make sense. Some things are just ridiculous. Both can be good. Oh, I took my favorite wine glass too.
So, to honor my Potato-Smasher, this idea was born:
Write inspiring words on pieces of paper to hang from your Potato-Smasher with colorful twine or yarn. Why? Think of it as a hanging vision mobile. When you think of yourself, words like – intriguing, lovable, capable, thriving and smashing – probably pop into your head. If they don’t, you need to read the book. Write your encouraging words on pieces of paper.
Hang those uplifting words from your Potato-Smasher.
Hang your smasher from the lamp on your nightstand or by your desk and you’ll randomly see words that make you feel good. People have done stupider things. Besides, it gives you something to do with your hands between drinking sessions.
Snatch a few Potato-Smasher words from Coffee Cups & Wine Glasses:
Wine Glass (I know, it’s 2 words)
You have to admit, those words make you feel good. That’s the point.
If you don’t like that smashing idea, come up with your own and enter DOiT Challenge # 1:
Potato-Smasher Challenge Ideas to Get You Started
Keep your Potato-Smasher in your kitchen drawer so it jams the drawer and challenges your ingenuity. (Ok, let me try again.)
Hang your Potato-Smasher from a ceiling hook, or hang 16 of them for dangling candle holders. (A romantic idea.)
Use it as a small hanging plant holder. (Getting better?)
Stand it up & glue a clothespin to the handle for a recipe holder or note-leaver.
Hang spoons & forks from it to make wind chimes.
Then There’s This:
Spaghetti Stirrer: Use a potato-smasher to occasionally stir boiling stuck-together spaghetti to separate the strands. This will agitate the pasta and keep it from clumping. (That may be an agitating-ly dull idea).
You could also make mashed potatoes with a potato-smasher, but that idea will never win a prize.
Potato-Smasher shortcuts:
Chop nuts
Decorate the frosting on a cake
Make healthy home-made baby food with fresh fruits and vegetables (peaches, bananas, peas, etc.)
Use it to mix mulch or compost into the soil in a large flowerpot or small garden.
Make fruit juice. The directions are obvious; use your Potato-Smasher.
Smashed Potatoes.
Yes, Smashed, not Mashed

Smashed Potatoes
The secret to crispy on the outside, creamy on the inside baby potatoes is the Potato-Smasher.
Boil fingerling or baby potatoes until softened.
Place the boiled potatoes on a lined baking sheet.
Smash each potato with the Potato-Smasher until flattened into a disc.
Toss the potatoes in olive oil, sea salt, parmesan cheese, & crushed fresh garlic.
Bake at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 48 minutes. Sprinkle with chopped fresh parsley.
Do you know the difference between a Potato-Smasher and a Ricer?
It’s simply a difference in texture. Take potatoes for instance:
Potato-Smasher: Allows you keep the skins & retain some lumps.
Ricer: Provides a fluffy mash.
And there you have it.
Do the Mashed Potato (dance).
The “Mashed Potato” began with Dee Dee Sharp’s 1962 hit “Mashed Potato Time.” The dance became popular on American Bandstand (a dance TV show 1952-1989). The song was a mix of R&B, blues, and ’50s doo-wop. That’s what makes it so fun!
Here’s How:
DOiT on your toes… toes out/heels together … elbows out. Just so you know, the elbows out thing… it’s not leading to the underarm fart thing.
OK, Focus: Start over:
Toes out/heels together … elbows out
Twist both heels outward keeping your weight on the balls of your feet.
Twist both heels in together again.
Repeat: Twist both heels outward keeping your weight on the balls of your feet. But this time, lift your R foot backward, with a twist in your hips. (R foot slightly behind L foot)
Put toes together with heels out)
Then… Repeat:
Twist heels in.Heels out.
Heels in, then…
Twist both heels out & kick out your left (L) foot behind you doing the twist.
You can take two steps if you need to get in step with the music again. If you fall down, do the worm. Get back up and…
Heels out/toes in
Heels in/toes out
Heels out – R foot kick
Heels in
Heels out
Heels in
Heels out – L foot kick
Repeat a few extra heels in & out moves between kicks to look professional.
Get off the floor again & keep going! You can DOiT!
They did this dance in Dirty Dancing & the Broadway play Hairspray.
If you raise your hands like a zombie – you’re doing the Monster Mash!
Keep Smiling.
If you are completely confused, my work is done here.
P.S. Don’t forget to enter the DOiT Challenge # 1 – Potato-Smasher Challenge! AND… also Post your answers below – if you wanna.
The Potato-Smasher words DOiT Challenge is a good start.
I think you could turn,the potato smasher upside down in a vase and use the grate to help arrange flowers! Cover the vase with some tissue paper and ribbon and VIOLA! Fresh flowers all arranged!
That is a wonderful idea Veronica! Thank you. You are officially entered into the contest. Prizes will be awarded in June 2023.
Feel Free to post your creative idea in the Facebook DOiT Group!